What is your focus for 2017?

It’s that time of the year. The fun and fizzle of the festive season has past. The excitement of the new year and new possibilities has burst into the mundane routine.

Feeling blagh! I don’t do resolutions, there’s always the need to lose a bit of weight and do more exercise whether January, May or October! I’ve tried in the past and then lost interest and ability to continue a few weeks in (OK may be 7 days in!). Then I’m left with the self-disappointment of failure and all those other negative emotions and self-talk start rolling in! Best not to do it  is my new philosophy – why put myself up for disappointment?!

Do I not set goals or aspirations? Yes I do, some are huge, just I don’t hang the success of the year or myself on them! So what do I do?

Firstly I sit quietly and meditate to clear the self-talk and mind-monkey that yaps on – a lot! Then whilst in that quiet space I sit and think and feel the three key adjectives that describe me and what I want to achieve this year. I need to feel them to see if they work for me (or resonate). Are they a good fit. I did this a couple of weeks ago and the words “calm – peace – opportunity”  came up.  Today I’ve done it again and have new words for myself in 2017:

  • inner calm
  • flourish
  • connection

These words really mean something to me, I use them as a ruler when I want to create courses, make decisions  or with the family.

How do these work for ?

  • inner calm – emotional balance throughout the month (!), calm and positive around the family, space for me to find and attach my inner calm
  • Flourish – for my business, online & in person, my spirituality, my learning and studying and writing
  • Connection – to my higher & inner self, spiritual connection, connection to those I can empower

So what would your three words be? Please share them over on the facebook page!

And if a key word no longer fits or another comes along that’s better – that’s fine. I’ll adapt my key words so I’m in the flow – and not under pressure. So I don’t put pressure on myself for something I thought was right for me at the end of December or January 1st . The year flows from one day to the next and so does opportunity to be and connect to who you want to be

love and light


Romella is an author and award winning Holistic and Energy Practitioner based in Shropshire and available through Skype.  I’m all about balance and calm and letting you achieve your own balance and calm.


I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family. Books include the series “Balance and Calm Toolkit” (for Frazzled Mums) and a version for families.

There are also a range of online courses and support available


Book available – bit.ly/romella



