Crystal Healing? How do they help?

What is Crystal Healing

Crystals have been used for healing for thousands of years.

Treatments with crystals can take many forms, crystal chakra cleansing, crystal healing, space clearing or gridding using crystals. Melody laying-on-of-stones is a magnificent way to work with crystals and gridding to bring about abundance, clear past or present issues and more Continue reading

My Support in A Bottle – Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottle

My Support in A Bottle – Aura-Soma Equilibrium Bottle

As the kids went back to school, I took some time out to sort myself out. I’ve neglected myself over the past couple of months. I’ve taken time out to meditate most days, but deeper more spiritual or self-development has been in the cupboard (not even on the back burner!). So one of the first things I did was get my Aura Soma bottles out and do a consultation for myself. This is the bottle I will be working with to clear my blocks, refocus me and move me forward.

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Award Winning Holistic & Energy Practitioner

I’m an Award Winning Holistic Therapist!

Last weekend I won “Health and Beauty Mum of the Year” at the National BizMums Conference & Awards. My feet are finally coming down to earth, but my head and heart are still firmly floating! This is what the judges said about me –

“The winner’s business exemplifies the characteristics of this category. She is qualified in a number of therapy disciplines giving her the flexibility to treat her clients appropriately. One element that stood out is this finalist actively treats adults and children and many of her therapies have a proven positive effect on the whole family. Her complementary therapies are all about supporting and improving the lives of parents and children.
I’m so excited that I want to share my joy, so I’m running two open days, where you can book a 30 minute FREE  consultation with me, to discuss your unique situation and have a free taster of a therapy of your choice!

So if you want to try an energy healing or talk about improving your energy, protecting your energy levels from being drained, headaches, emotional support, therapies to support your children (anxiety, behavioural or emotional)

The days are Monday 16th November and Wednesday 25th November. Book your appointment from 10-2.30 both days, spaces are limited to book soon! I am also available through SKYPE for the same offer (evenings/weekends appointments available)


Romella Jones of Cariad Therapies accepting the Award for Health & Beauty Mum of the Year from Sponsor Sue Miller of Tropic Skincare. BizMums Conference October 2015

Romella Jones of Cariad Therapies accepting the Award for Health & Beauty Mum of the Year from Sponsor Sue Miller of Tropic Skincare.
BizMums Conference October 2015

Bizmums winner badge

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or for more information on SleepTalk click here


Romella is an award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for all.