The Balance Procedure Workshop

Would you like a tool you can use everyday to bring balance into your life, to help creating the life you really want to overcome/release blockages – then this is the answer. Come and join me and learn all about a daily selfhelp tool called The Balance Procedure in this introductory workshop:

The Balance Procedure Introductory Workshop

On Monday 6th June  I am running a The Balance Procedure Workshop, where you will learn:

  • Your personal numerology of your date of birth and your current life year (eg creation, manifestation, foundation, clearing etc…)
  • Look at your astrological sign and what it means to you
  • Find out about The Balance Procedure, its links to numerology, colours, symbols, crystals, affirmations and the physical body
  • Carry out a Balance Check to see if you are in balance to all 9 cards and what anything out of balance might mean to you
  • Learn how to “balance” with the cards
  • Have a tool you can use every day, or specific action/issue as needed
  • When you leave you will have a tool you can use everyday, pack of TBP cards & book

What is The Balance Procedure?

The Balance Procedure is an energy technique, it comprises of a set of 9 cards all linked to affirmations, symbols, colours, numbers and a few other things! By holding the cards on your balance centre and using your body to dowse (move), you use the cards to balance yourself and check you are aligned to what you want to feel in your life. By asking yourself, “what do I want, how do I want to feel” and then balancing the answer, you are working towards your highest good. For example “I want to be healthier”, “I am healthy”. It’s all about your energy and your intentions

The price  for this workshop is £35 and includes The Balance Procedure Book, cards set (a normal consultation price is £49, so a saving of £14)


Romella is an award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family.

The Balance Procdure , bring yourself into balance

The Balance Procedure creating your reality

Cord cutting video

This is a short video explaining how I advise people to cut cords from people, past events and experiences.

Do you find yourself drained when around certain people and then exhausted when you get home or the next day? Do you feel out of balance some days and just can’t put your finger on it? Have you had a breakup but still feeling drained and attached to them? Do you work with people who exhaust you but don’t know why you feel this way? Want to change this, then watch this video and read on afterwards….

What is energy?

Its not about needing to eat to get some energy to do “stuff”, this is more spiritual yet very physical, This is about your energy being zapped by other people, whether those you know, work with or when out shopping or in busy environments. Think of how you feel when you go to a busy shopping centre, as functional as the shop might be, often you can feel quite drained and dysfunctional when you leave. All living things are made of energy and affected by the energy of those around them (intentionally or not). This session will help you become aware of your energy and be able to take positive action to protect and support yourself.

“Energy – protect, clear & reset”

From all my experience and qualifications, I have a brought together a one-hour session part training and part therapy, allowing you to learn techniques to protect, support and nurture your energy whenever you need it.

This Energy session looks at your  cutting cords that no longer serve your highest good, leaving those of love, clearing your aura with Aura-soma pomanders, creating a protective bubble so only those of love come through to you, checking and balancing your energy through crystals and finally hands-on energy healing to seal the changes into your physical body and aura.

You will learn how to protect yourself with bubbles, how to ground yourself into the now, cut negative cords, and a mini-introduction to self-healing.

This session is designed as a one-off (as you learn the techniques to use yourself) but can be used a a re-boost or re-set whenever needed. The session will last an hour and costs £45, it includes a small bag of chakra crystals and “memory” sheet of tips.


Background – I have been a Reiki Master-Teacher for over 15 years and am qualified and insured in a wide range of complementary therapies from massage to energy practitioner to crystals to Aura-Soma. All have come to me to help me on my journey and for me to be the person I want to be – thus allowing me to enable you to be the person you want to be!


Crystal Essentials Workshop

This Crystal Essentials Workshop will give you the confidence to use crystals in your daily life or to give yourself a mini-crystal therapy session. It is an introduction to the uses and how to use crystals.

At the end of the workshop you will:

  • How to choose a crystal that’s right for you
  • Have an understanding of how to cleanse and program crystals
  • How to use a crystal pendulum
  • How do give yourself a crystal therapy session, including chakra balancing
  • Using crystals to meditate with
  • A lookup sheet of helpful crystals and their attributes

You will also leave with a workbook of information and tips, a few packs of crystals and a crystal pendulum to use.

This interesting workshop will cover all the basics of using crystals and crystal pendulums. It costs £29 and spaces are limited.

Running Friday 4th March 10-12.30. To book please contact Romella on or through the Facebook page –


12 Steps to release the old and welcome the new 2016


Following on from my previous blog on 10 steps to calm, these steps are to recognise and release the advances, issues, successes you made in 2015 and welcome in the new possibilities of 2016.

You may ask why its take a couple of weeks for me to write and post this, but I’ve been going through this process myself. Over the holidays I tried to be more present with my children and not work (following my own advice!), so now I’m catching up and in a place to share. Also 2016 and resolutions is not just something we should do on one day, but it is an ongoing process – there is no late, too late or better late than never. Recognise that the perfect time for you to do this may not be 31st December or 1st January, it may actually be on your birthday, or on the 1st Feb when everything settles down and you have really thought about what you want to achieve in 2016.

These are the things I have been doing since 2015 ended and plan to continue doing into 2016. I hope you find some to add to your routines:

  1. Do a 12 card oracle card reading for yourself. Sit quietly and shuffle your cards and simply ask what you need to do in 2016, or what will happen in 2016 or what information your angels have to share with you about each month. However, you want to phase it. Then write down what you thinks, feel, what words and phases come through; maybe even take a photo of the card and put it in a word document. By creating a written document you are then able to review the previous month and see what is coming up for the next month. You may think you’ll remember but if you wrote it in January and then it happens in MArch – you have the proof that you said it was going to happen 🙂
  2. Write a letter to your 2015 self, share the successes, the could do betters and your goals and affirmations for 2016
  3. Write your goals for each quarter of 2016. For an action or activity to be a goal, you need to put what what the result should be and a deadline by it – otherwise its just a hope! Review the at the end of each quarter to see your progress and maybe adapt. Remember to congratulate yourself on any and all successes so matter how small.
  4. Join a supportive online network or physical (real life!) group. For example a women’s circle, spiritual development or bookclub (I’m starting some soon at the Gorge Therapy Centre) or if you live further away consider starting your own.
  5. If you have small children then aim to spend a dedicated amount of time playing with them or doing art or child lead activity each day after school. Break it into 2 x 10 mins or short 5 minutes focused play if easier to fit in around tea. But no phones, facebook or TV. Just sitting and cuddling whilst talking about the day or sharing a book can be really beneficial to you and your children. I know it all gets mad busy after school in our house, so I try and fit this in and feel better afterwards knowing I’ve done it.
  6. Start writing a gratitude journal – get a nice notebook and pen and then every day write x1 thing you are grateful for, again size isn’t important. By showing gratitude the universe will send you more of the same 🙂
  7. Morning Mutterings – have a 10 minute scribble every morning writing about anything in your mind, outpouring any thoughts present… then just bin it. It can really help clear the find of thoughts and what if cycles that can circle around
  8. To Do lists – this is a practice I am doing every day. At the start of the day over breakfast I spend 10 minutes  writing everything I need to do – in no order and without reference to how or when. then afterwards review it and prioritise, drop and action. Adding a big tick at the end of each completion!
  9. Gratitude jar (or tin/ box) – Get a jar or old chocolate tin and then regularly put things in to remember positives as they happen, eg pebbles/shells from a beach, money, kind words from people/clients, copy of cheques, an abundance cheque, crystals, coins, mementoes of 2016. Then at the end of the year go through the jar and review those successes and feel the pleasure from achieving goals or having fun on the beach.
  10. Presents not presence – your time can only be used once, so focus on what you want every day and be grateful for all positives
  11. Put yourself first regularly – if you are empty of energy then you can not give others energy – an empty watering can cannot water the plants to help the flowers grow if it is never refilled.
  12. Do what you love everyday. If you cant do it for a living then do it as a hobby. Be in touch with your joy and your sparkle – others will notice it and the ripple effect will happen

I hope you find these 12 steps useful, some may resonate with you and others not appeal at all and that’s fine. Do what makes you sparkle

or my facebook page

or for more information on SleepTalk click here


Romella is an award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family.

Special package to recover from back-to-school-itis


I hope you had a lovely summer and have enjoyed the last few sunny days. If your anything like me you will be slowly getting back into the routine of school run and homework!

Its hard work as a parent – so I thought I’d put together a back-to-school offer, mixing energy healing, flower essence consultations and mini angel card reading. The session costs £39 and is available until half-term (October 22nd), please message to book.

– You can choose which 30 minute energy healing you would like from Indian Head Massage, Reiki, Labrys Ascension Therapy or Crystal Healing.
– Flower essences can help to rebalance your emotions and state of mind, to really give you a boost for September to get you feeling yourself again!
– The oracle card reading  or Aura Soma reading can answer any question you like from life purpose, healing to romance or for Aura Soma your choice of bottle will give you information on your life purpose.

So this mini-package can really give you a boost after the holidays and set you up for the autumn. The therapies I offer are all great to reduce stress, aid relaxation and my clients walk out looking happy & relaxed afterwards! 



sept offer

Is your energy depleting and in need of a reset?

Do you find yourself drained when around certain people and then exhausted when you get home or the next day? Do you feel out of balance some days and just can’t put your finger on it? Have you had a breakup but still feeling drained and attached to them? Do you work with people who exhaust you but don’t know why you feel this way? Want to change this, then read on.

From all my experience and qualifications, I have a brought together a one-hour session part training and part therapy, allowing you to learn techniques to protect, support and nurture your energy whenever you need it.

What is energy?

Its not about needing to eat to get some energy to do “stuff”, this is more spiritual yet very physical, This is about your energy being zapped by other people, whether those you know, work with or when out shopping or in busy environments. Think of how you feel when you go to a busy shopping centre, as functional as the shop might be, often you can feel quite drained and dysfunctional when you leave. All living things are made of energy and affected by the energy of those around them (intentionally or not). This session will help you become aware of your energy and be able to take positive action to protect and support yourself.

“Energy – protect, clear & reset”

This Energy session looks at your  cutting cords that no longer serve your highest good, leaving those of love, clearing your aura with Aura-soma pomanders, creating a protective bubble so only those of love come through to you, checking and balancing your energy through crystals and finally hands-on energy healing to seal the changes into your physical body and aura.

You will learn how to protect yourself with bubbles, how to ground yourself into the now, cut negative cords, and a mini-introduction to self-healing.

This session is designed as a one-off (as you learn the techniques to use yourself) but can be used a a re-boost or re-set whenever needed. The session will last an hour and costs £45, it includes a small bag of chakra crystals and “memory” sheet of tips.

Background – I have been a Reiki Master-Teacher for over 15 years and am qualified and insured in a wide range of complementary therapies from massage to energy practitioner to crystals to Aura-Soma. All have come to me to help me on my journey and for me to be the person I want to be – thus allowing me to enable you to be the person you want to be!