The Colours of Autumn – Aura Soma – a Message in a Bottle

The Colours of Autumn – Aura Soma – a Message in a Bottle

A little interactive blog today, inspired by the most amazing autumn colours!

I just love the colours of autumn so I thought I’d look to my Aura Soma bottles to see what my favourite colours mean. Just for a moment stop and take a look outside your window and see what colours inspire you and light your day. Which ones really call to you or make you smile? Done it? Then read on!



Aura soma autumn

Now which of these bottles calls to you after looking at your autumn colours?

Let me share some Aura Soma wisdom!

In Aura Soma the bottles we choose is from deep within, a mirror to our soul is how founder Vicky Wall called it. We choose the colours that shine and shout at us, combinations we love to wear or bring us joy. These colours then have a deep meaning, a message if you like from our soul and deeper or higher self.

Yellow is often the colour of joy/courage/individuality, orange of wisdom/insight/bliss, green of nature/balance/truth and red of manifesting/earth/life force. How does that feel with your choice of bottle?

Let me share a bit more information about each bottle –

#7 (yellow over green) is called “Test of Faith” – “I have no limits. I let go those that I have set for myself”. Its about trusting the process of life, creating space (green) to let the joy in and have courage and faith in what you do and manifest. Trust in the process of life , faith and hope in the way things unfold.

#31 (green over gold) is called “The Fountain” – “I let go of all sensations of fear and anxiety and open myself to a new light shining in my heart”. Its about making space in our heart to let in the joy and overcoming obstacles. Its creating balance of the heart and the emotions (orange/solar plexus). A chance to connect

#27 (red over green) is called “Robin Hood” – “I am open to the light shining upon me & towards me. I accept where I am now as fully as I can”. Its about balancing the root (red) and the heart (green), Being truthful (heart) will bring the person balance in the material world and ground your energy into actions.

Isn’t it interesting that the first two have an element of letting go, just like the tree lets its leaves fall in the autumn, to rest and recharge in readiness for the spring, so we as humans must let things go in order to link into our joy and our life purpose. For me the #7 The test of Faith is calling – letting go is a key message for me at the moment!

If you are interested in having a life purpose reading or to know more about Aura Soma please contact me. I am able to do consultations in person (Shropshire) or through Skype or my facebook page or for more information


Romella is an award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for all.

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Romella Jones

Romella Jones

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