SleepTalk – Positive Changes for your Child

Sleeptalk™ mission – To help children and parents to overcome childhood behavioural issues quickly and effectively, so you can get on with enjoying those precious childhood years and creating positive memories

Sleeptalk™ is a Self Esteem Program for Children and their Parents. By spending two minutes at night you can resolve issues such as bedwetting, anxiety, food issues, toilet issues, school anxiety and so much more!

SleepTalk(TM) – 2 minutes a night is all it takes

I am an Accredited Goulding Sleeptalk Consultant and have been for almost two years.

Sleeptalk is a simple two minute gift that you can use with your children as they sleep. Bedwetting, toddler tantrums, toilet and food issues, school anxiety, and a whole host of other childhood issues can be resolved through following the Sleeptalk program for children.


accredited Goulding sleeptalk consultant





Toddler tantrums, sibling rivalry, food/toileting issues anxieties, behavioural outbursts, bedwetting, school anxieties/issues…. The joys of parenthood!

What if there was a possible solution that only took two minutes a night; for you to talk to your child as they slept; to build their self-esteem and emotional resilience and KNOW that they are truly loved whatever? SleepTalk™ is a self-esteem program for children.

For the child the benefits are:

– improved behaviour

– increased enjoyment of school

– better health and wellbeing

– improved concentration

For the family a few benefits are:

– a happy home environment

– better relationships (no sibling rivalry)

– less family tension


SleepTalk™ gives you peace of mind, enables you to take back control and once the positive messages have been absorbed they stay with your child for life! I know they work, because my children and others I helped had such positive changes in their behaviour.

SleepTalk™ was founded by Joane Goulding in Australia and has been used there by professionals for over 30 years as it works!

I am an Accredited Goulding SleepTalk™ Consultant and provide this service in Newport and through Skype. My children have driven and given me focus for all my recent qualifications. As a Mum I wanted to help and support them in their lives, to make them feel happy and content (and stop the sibling rivalry which was driving me mad!!!).

More information about Romella

Romella is an author and award winning Holistic and Energy Practitioner based in Shropshire and available online & zoom/skype.  I’m all about balance and calm and getting you to achieve your own balance and calm.


I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family. Books include the series “Balance and Calm Toolkit” (for Frazzled Mums) and a version for families.

There are also a range of online courses and support available


Book available –