Balance and Calm Toolkit for Frazzled Mums – Carpe Diem

Balance and Calm Toolkit for Frazzled Mums – Carpe Diem

This month has been a roller-coaster in an amazing way and I want to share some of the journey and learnings with you all. It’s all about Carpe Diem – seize the day.
Just a over a month ago I had an inspirational thought, something crazy but within the realms of my reality. I wanted to write a book and the thought was the key. So in the middle of the holidays whilst the kids were occupied I quietly sat at the table with my laptop and started.
Actually I jump ahead as 3 months before this I’d declared in a facebook forum for “Mum’s who want more” that I wanted to be an author and a well-know therapist. Law of Attraction in action – part one the thought, the feeling, the belief.
So there I am, writing what initially was going to be a deck of oracle cards with tips and ideas to support a Mum whenever she had a minute or two “free” (yeah right!). It flowed, I took action to make my big dream of being an author a reality. I put aside all the ego thoughts and worries, the negative mindset and chattering mind monkey and wrote. As more tips flowed, my kids continued to play calmly around me – picking up on my calm, positive & focused energies maybe!


Being an author was actually a huge dream for me. As a child I was always writing and drawing. I’ve a serious Amazon habit (which if you’ve been to my house or seen my study you’d know – 9 bookcases full!). I love books.
People asked what I was up to and I’d tell them, They’d be astounded at my writing a book and would say how amazing it was and what a big achievement it was. But I’d  just reply it’s easy, the words flowed and technology now is there to support a buzzing writer. But do you know what, it is a big deal. I don’t think I acknowledged that when I was in the process and kept the idea of “simplicity” to keep myself focused and not frightened. To keep in the flow – Carpe Diem.
Now I’m on Amazon and I’ve worked with a professional editor, I can say it was an awesome experience. It was hard work and I did make sacrifices. I spent a lot of time in front of the screen – almost more so when in the editing process with my editor.
But the buzz from seeing my book on an Amazon page – I can’t get over. I smile and do little dances and want to shout about it every where I go!
I’m waiting now for copies to be delivered so I can share with friends, those I’ve acknowledged and even take to a local shop to sell!
My key message in this blog is for the law of attraction – to demonstrate it in action. I had a desire, a dream; I thought about it and then I took action, I wrote and wrote and edited and then published – the universe gave and I received – a new book was created. That day when the idea was a lightbulb moment, I could have relegated it to the “to do list” or “after the holidays”, but I seized the moment. Carpe Diem – seize the day – a motto for a school I was at a long time ago.
So my message to you is to think what your dream is – big or small and to seize the day – Carpe Diem. Seize the Moment. Take it baby step by baby step. Don’t leave it as a dream, take some action towards reality. Whether its to seek help for your health, to look at possible courses, to update your CV or go and view some houses or test drive a car. Take that step into the unknown, it might just be the best one you make.
We only have today as tomorrow never comes – so seize the day – carpe diem!
My book:
Are you a mum who craves a few moments of peace? Looking for a tools to help calm you and the family?
Why not take a look at my book – Balance & Calm Toolkit For Frazzled Mums: A toolkit to use every day to grab a moment of calm: Volume 1 (Balance and Calm Toolkit). £7.99 on amazon or £5 for kindle. With 160 tips, tools or techniques for you when you have a minute or a Peppa Pig episode to yourself. A book to give you simple tools to calm and information on a range of holistic solutions from affirmations to mindful meditation to essential oils. Small enough for your handbag, large enough to keep one a day for over 5 months.

Romella is an author and award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family.