What does your name mean? Why is Romella my business name too?!

When we are born we all have a name, over time thing mage be shortened or amended.

Did you know that each letter or sound carries with it an energeitc vibration or a message.

For example the letter O is about integrity, the letter A purity. Thisis part of your soul quality.
then if you change your name it’s meaning will also change.

For example If you are called Daniella or Danielle (e = honesty & a = purity), then shortened to Dannie, Danny, or Dan all these letters create a different energy. Samantha, Sam, Sammie, or Sammy, Peter to Pete, Alexander to Alex (what a lot of lost qualities message there!).

It might mean that you’ve shifted yur energy so your old name doesn’t resonate. Or just a shorted nickname that has become “you”, perhaps you had no choice!

As my full name is Romella, I often shorten to Rom, this means I lose over 50% of the name’s energy!

R = honest communication,

O- integrity

M – wisdom

E- honest relationships,

L strength of mind (x2!)

L strength of mind

A – purity.

What does your name say about you and are you in resonance with it.

I’ve chosen to use my name as my business – its meaning fulfills exactly what me and my business stand for

you can still call me Rom though 

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mN8SnF_hMQs[/embedyt]


Click the link below for the PDF to find out what the letters in your name means:

What’s in your Name- letters and numbers

Information from Diana Cooper “New ALight on Ascension”