I hope you are doing OK?
I’m feeling a lot of emotions and having a lot of lessons at the moment. That’s OK if I stop and pay attention. I can’t carry on ” holding everything together”. I’m going to have to drop some plates and maybe allow them to smash on the floor.
That’s a scary thought.
I’m going to make some decisions that fit my current energy and basically damage limitation to my mental health.
My first decision is the food waste. I love doing this and notcing such a difference in our bins and doing my bit for the environment. But frankly our current kitchen is small and it makes a mess around the sink. So I’m going to stop having the caddy. I might have a bag on the surface instead when peeling veg, or I might stop completely for a while. The caddy affects me emotionally whenever I see it, it really annoys me and at this moment I recognise I have more important areas to focus on. So I’m going to stop. After I’ve sent this email, I shall clear the bag out, pop caddy through the dishwasher and that’s that, until I’m up to it again.
Also I’ve had enough of home learning. So I’ve decided my daughter can start her half term early. I don’t need the pressure of it. The forcing her to do it. Maybe over half term we’ll do a few of the classes (maths for example), maybe we won’t.
The room divider we’ve got up for the puppy isn’t working – it doesn’t allow me any freedom to pop to the loo and leave her unsupervised. So I’m going to change its position around the crate and mat.
These three things are small in the grand scheme of things, but they will make a massive difference to my mental and emotional health at the moment.
Where can you let the plates stop spinning, or ask for support? Maybe its small, maybe its a larger change. Listen to your intuition and take the actions to support yourself.
You are worth it
love and calming thoughts