I Won – Network Marketing Mum of the Year

Yes I know, it was last year, but do you know I didn’t shout about it! I didn’t create a blog – what was I thinking!!!

So I’m proud to share and shout from the roof tops (well WordPress!)  that I won the award of “Bizmum Network Marketing Mum of the Year” at the 2017 Bizmums Awards & Conference.

The judge shared her choice of winner, “Romella is dedicated to helping families and has built her network marketing business around that passion and dedication. Going above and beyond the norm, finding inspirational ways to blend her network marketing business into her life’s work.”

My business is Create Family Calm and I share & teach a variety of quick, simple daily tools to support frazzled mums and their children to bring balance, calm & happiness into their everyday lives. I’ve loved essential oils since I was in my teens and rediscovered them 18 months ago through dōTERRA. The essential oils blend easily into my support toolbox for Mums, empowering them to have access to life-changing essential oils and blends to calm, aid sleep and support their family’s wellness. Additionally Romella runs Shropshire Wellness Summits around the topic of essential oils and natural solutions to wellbeing, The Shropshire Wellness Summit was February 7th in Newport and was a mixture of presentations and interactive workshops around wellness solutions. From essential oils, meditation, reflexology, nutrition, anxiety, depression and more.

Bizmums, is a national social enterprise that provides child-friendly networking groups across the UK. Bizmums provides support, education and family friendly networking opportunities for Mums who are running their own businesses. There are day & evening groups running across Telford and Shrewsbury & the UK. Every year Bizmums holds a conference and awards ceremony to celebrate and acknowledge all the hard work and achievements of mums.

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EivKAWjJ1sA[/embedyt]

Clinical Approach to Essential Oils – AromaTouch Technique

The AromaTouch Technique was developed by Dr David K. Hill, a leading expert on use of essential oils.

The technique is simple and intuitive and uses doTERRA’s Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils.

How does the Aromatouch Technique support the body?

The Aromatouch Technique addresses 4 key areas to support the bodies balance:

  • Stress
  • Toxic Insult
  • Inflammatory response
  • Autonomic Response

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Essential Essential Oils


Essential Oils  – tools for balance and calm


I thought I’d share my favourite essential oils and essential oil blends that come from DoTerra products. Doterra produce pure therapeutic essential oils (CPTG).


a roll-on so it’s always accessible in my bag. Perfect for calming, mindful moments and headaches. It also reminds me of summer whenever I smell it. Continue reading