12 Steps to release the old and welcome the new 2016


Following on from my previous blog on 10 steps to calm, these steps are to recognise and release the advances, issues, successes you made in 2015 and welcome in the new possibilities of 2016.

You may ask why its take a couple of weeks for me to write and post this, but I’ve been going through this process myself. Over the holidays I tried to be more present with my children and not work (following my own advice!), so now I’m catching up and in a place to share. Also 2016 and resolutions is not just something we should do on one day, but it is an ongoing process – there is no late, too late or better late than never. Recognise that the perfect time for you to do this may not be 31st December or 1st January, it may actually be on your birthday, or on the 1st Feb when everything settles down and you have really thought about what you want to achieve in 2016.

These are the things I have been doing since 2015 ended and plan to continue doing into 2016. I hope you find some to add to your routines:

  1. Do a 12 card oracle card reading for yourself. Sit quietly and shuffle your cards and simply ask what you need to do in 2016, or what will happen in 2016 or what information your angels have to share with you about each month. However, you want to phase it. Then write down what you thinks, feel, what words and phases come through; maybe even take a photo of the card and put it in a word document. By creating a written document you are then able to review the previous month and see what is coming up for the next month. You may think you’ll remember but if you wrote it in January and then it happens in MArch – you have the proof that you said it was going to happen 🙂
  2. Write a letter to your 2015 self, share the successes, the could do betters and your goals and affirmations for 2016
  3. Write your goals for each quarter of 2016. For an action or activity to be a goal, you need to put what what the result should be and a deadline by it – otherwise its just a hope! Review the at the end of each quarter to see your progress and maybe adapt. Remember to congratulate yourself on any and all successes so matter how small.
  4. Join a supportive online network or physical (real life!) group. For example a women’s circle, spiritual development or bookclub (I’m starting some soon at the Gorge Therapy Centre) or if you live further away consider starting your own.
  5. If you have small children then aim to spend a dedicated amount of time playing with them or doing art or child lead activity each day after school. Break it into 2 x 10 mins or short 5 minutes focused play if easier to fit in around tea. But no phones, facebook or TV. Just sitting and cuddling whilst talking about the day or sharing a book can be really beneficial to you and your children. I know it all gets mad busy after school in our house, so I try and fit this in and feel better afterwards knowing I’ve done it.
  6. Start writing a gratitude journal – get a nice notebook and pen and then every day write x1 thing you are grateful for, again size isn’t important. By showing gratitude the universe will send you more of the same 🙂
  7. Morning Mutterings – have a 10 minute scribble every morning writing about anything in your mind, outpouring any thoughts present… then just bin it. It can really help clear the find of thoughts and what if cycles that can circle around
  8. To Do lists – this is a practice I am doing every day. At the start of the day over breakfast I spend 10 minutes  writing everything I need to do – in no order and without reference to how or when. then afterwards review it and prioritise, drop and action. Adding a big tick at the end of each completion!
  9. Gratitude jar (or tin/ box) – Get a jar or old chocolate tin and then regularly put things in to remember positives as they happen, eg pebbles/shells from a beach, money, kind words from people/clients, copy of cheques, an abundance cheque, crystals, coins, mementoes of 2016. Then at the end of the year go through the jar and review those successes and feel the pleasure from achieving goals or having fun on the beach.
  10. Presents not presence – your time can only be used once, so focus on what you want every day and be grateful for all positives
  11. Put yourself first regularly – if you are empty of energy then you can not give others energy – an empty watering can cannot water the plants to help the flowers grow if it is never refilled.
  12. Do what you love everyday. If you cant do it for a living then do it as a hobby. Be in touch with your joy and your sparkle – others will notice it and the ripple effect will happen

I hope you find these 12 steps useful, some may resonate with you and others not appeal at all and that’s fine. Do what makes you sparkle


or my facebook page https://www.facebook.com/cariadtherapiesnewport?fref=ts

or for more information on SleepTalk click here http://cariadtherapies.com/therapies/sleeptalk/


Romella is an award winning Holistic and Energy  Practitioner based in Newport Shropshire & Ironbridge and available through Skype.  I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family.

Is your energy depleting and in need of a reset?

Do you find yourself drained when around certain people and then exhausted when you get home or the next day? Do you feel out of balance some days and just can’t put your finger on it? Have you had a breakup but still feeling drained and attached to them? Do you work with people who exhaust you but don’t know why you feel this way? Want to change this, then read on.

From all my experience and qualifications, I have a brought together a one-hour session part training and part therapy, allowing you to learn techniques to protect, support and nurture your energy whenever you need it.

What is energy?

Its not about needing to eat to get some energy to do “stuff”, this is more spiritual yet very physical, This is about your energy being zapped by other people, whether those you know, work with or when out shopping or in busy environments. Think of how you feel when you go to a busy shopping centre, as functional as the shop might be, often you can feel quite drained and dysfunctional when you leave. All living things are made of energy and affected by the energy of those around them (intentionally or not). This session will help you become aware of your energy and be able to take positive action to protect and support yourself.

“Energy – protect, clear & reset”

This Energy session looks at your  cutting cords that no longer serve your highest good, leaving those of love, clearing your aura with Aura-soma pomanders, creating a protective bubble so only those of love come through to you, checking and balancing your energy through crystals and finally hands-on energy healing to seal the changes into your physical body and aura.

You will learn how to protect yourself with bubbles, how to ground yourself into the now, cut negative cords, and a mini-introduction to self-healing.

This session is designed as a one-off (as you learn the techniques to use yourself) but can be used a a re-boost or re-set whenever needed. The session will last an hour and costs ÂŁ45, it includes a small bag of chakra crystals and “memory” sheet of tips.

Background – I have been a Reiki Master-Teacher for over 15 years and am qualified and insured in a wide range of complementary therapies from massage to energy practitioner to crystals to Aura-Soma. All have come to me to help me on my journey and for me to be the person I want to be – thus allowing me to enable you to be the person you want to be!

my healing journey

Hi, I’m Rom and I’ve been using energy for healing for over 15 years and been a qualified therapist for seven years. The therapies I offer have all come to help and support me at a time when I needed “something”. I thought I’d share part of my healing journey here

I first had Reiki and then became attuned (later becoming a Master-Teacher) after losing two grandparents within a week. Reiki really helped me grieve and also heal. It is a practise I use daily to balance myself

Whilst trying to become pregnant I had regular weekly reflexology which really helped me relax and I’m positive aided me to conceive! Then I became pregnant with my first child whilst studying and becoming a reflexologist!

Other therapies have aided me on my life purpose, eg Aura-Soma(R), which helped focus me and what I want to do with my life and gave me bottles to work with to really push me forward and support my journey. Crystals are my first aid at times of emotional, physical and spiritual need!

When I get a cold or sinus problems my first stop is ear candling, which resolves and clears issues very quickly!

I love using my therapies and to be a professional holistic therapist and able to help and support fellow humans on their journeys is a really amazing, fulfilling job!

So please contact me to discuss your needs and whatever they are from emotional to physical and everything inbetween, we can look at the “whole” person and come up with an individual holistic program just for you!

I look forward to hearing about your journey and joining you on it.

Rom Jones

About Me – Rom Cariad Therapies – the parent?

I thought I’d explain a but of my background and focus!  I’m Rom, a Mum to two children age 7 & 4 and a holistic wellbeing practitioner.

I always wanted to have children, but my children took a while to come along, with some heartaches along the way. Then motherhood really wasn’t as easy or “rosy” as everyone seemed to make out. I had dreadful sibling rivalry and jealousy, great school anxieties with my eldest and other normal childhood behavioural issues. I was lucky that courses and options came along to support me at the right time and I want to share these with other parents.

Don’t we all want to do the best for our children, to be the parent we want to be and not the one who is shouting, upset, stressed etc…

I know the services I offer work because I have been using them for the last two years and friends have been case studies for me as well!

I have been a Relax Kids coach for over two year and love the skills and benefits that the classes bring to children. I trained to be a therapist over ten years ago and love how these therapies all come together to build a package for you the parent and your children to really bring out the best you all have to offer and create those special memories.

Last year I trained to be a SleepTalk(TM) consultant, a self-esteem program for children. This program takes two minutes a night whilst your children sleep and can resolve a huge array of childhood behavioural issues from tantrums, toilet issues, anxieties, speech to other emotional and physical issues. For my son he received the headteacher’s award a few weeks after staring the Sleeptalk(TM) program!

I also volunteer at the SureStart Children Centre and am involved in their stakeholder meetings too. With children at school I also get involved in the PTA too!

My children are so important to me and their happiness in this sometimes chaotic world is key to their wellbeing and mine & my husband too,

This is my story, tell me yours

Rom x

family jones

Space for Calm


What happens in a crystal therapy session

What is Crystal Therapy – what happens in a session?

This week I thought I would share what happens in a Crystal Therapy treatment @ Cariad Therapies.

Crystals have been used to support and heal the mind and body since man first walked the earth, particular reference is often made to usage in Egyptian times to help heal and to meditate. They are now moving from their “new age” (for this read ancient!) and into a wider worldly usage.

The aim of a Crystal Therapy is to use the energy of the crystals to bring the body back into balance. The crystals rest on the body. This can be carried out through the following outlined treatments:

1 Crystal Chakra Balancing – placing of the crystals through their colour on the corresponding chakra point. First I would talk through a short meditation, which the client can continue during the treatment if desired. Then the chakras are opened and the chosen crystals placed on the open chakra. The crystal works to create balance across all the chakras, so the energy can flow through the body and its energy field (aura). It will help release and clear blockages where energy may get or be stuck causing illness or issues. For example the throat chakra may be blocked & the client have a sore throat as a symptom, but actually they may not be saying what they really believe and feel and opening up to “speak their truth”. The use of a crystal such as turquoise or my favourite angelite can help clear the blockage and support and sooth throat, allowing the client to say what they need to say.

Having a Crystal Therapy is extremely relaxing and can provide the client with a lovely restorative feeling. Faces often look more relaxed after a treatment.

crystals on therapy table

2 Specific Crystal Therapy – If the client has specific issues or illnesses (eg migraines) then working with crystal specifically for that ailment can really be amazing.
The use of crystals on specific parts of the body can work to support the bodies own natural healing process. A good example of this is amethyst placed at the base of the skull to aid migraine relief or adventurine on sinus points.

Chakra balancing and specific crystal therapy can of course be combined to bring real balance and benefits.

3 Gridding – The Melody laying-on-of-stones system creates grids around the client to clear, bring abundance, astral travel, past live clearance and more! These grids are constructed using specific crystals chosen for the grid purpose; eg citrine for abundance or rose quartz for love, self love and romance. Together with crystal points to aid the flow of energy through the body and grid.

4 – Gridding using a template – these crystal grids work really well to bring abundance, new opportunities, attract new energy, romance and more. The crystals are all charged and programmed and then the grid activated using a crystal wand and then just regular maintenance is needed to top of the energy! I often use the flower of life symbol (my logo) or an infinity symbol (great for prosperity!). I then keep the grid away from children’s fingers (or pets!) so the energy isn’t disturbed!


5 – Gridding of property – This Crystal therapy doesn’t involve crystals on the body, but in a room, building, office, garden, property boundaries or any environment. It is useful to help clear negative energies from TVs, laptops etc or geopathic stresses (eg underground water, pylons, cabling etc). I like to use amethyst, fluorite or other dark stones to grid my house and in particular the sitting room. For example I have a large fluorite crystal near my TV and have gridded using amethyst which is fab at absorbing geopathic stresses.

I hope this has sparked your interest and I look forward to discussing your own personal Crystal Therapy program. Prices start from ÂŁ25 for a 30 minute session