Over 10 Ways to Work With Me That Cost Under £10! I am a Wellbeing Author

All the books I have written and published – balance and calm, create family calm and spiritual support… and dinosaurs!

Life is hard sometimes, we have great intentions of that 20 minute meditation or hour mindful walk or hour online yoga class. But reality is as a busy Mum we often put ourselves last and simply run out of time or energy,

All my books are written to support you bring pockets of calm to your day, support your children with calm tools and techniques (plus dinosaurs!) or support you on your spiritual journey.

Some are free on Kindle Unlimited, most available for under £10 on Amazon Prime. All life supporting your wellbeing and woo!

Want to work with me to alchemise those emotions and energies that are keeping you stuck? From energy editing, channeled messages, akashic clearing & activations all is possible 🙂 Message me for more info

Available on Amazon bit.ly/romellajones

Balance and calm for frazzled mums – a toolkit to use every day to grab a moment of calm

The Frazzled Mum’s Defrazzle Journal

Balance and calm toolkit to create family calm

Balance and Calm Toolkit for the Summer Holidays

Balance and Calm Toolkit for Christmas Calm – advent calendar countdown

Anthology of Family Calm Tools – an anthology to surviving lockdown

33 Days to Create your Personal Self-Care Program

Crystals 101 – a beginners guide to crystals and simple ways to use them in daily life

Crystal Journey Journal – Discovering your crystals and journalling how you use them

The Oracle Card Journal – the perfect space to create a daily practice of trusting your intuition, expanding your spiritual connection and tapping into your magic

My Tarot Experience Journal – perfect to capture the meaning of each card to create your own personal tarot bible, plus spreads

Definitive Dinosaurs – everything you need to know about dinosaurs, plus jokes, game, meditations and lots of facts

The Creative Cat Collection – drawing prompts for children to create their own art book

The Creative Cat Christmas Collection – Advent calendar countdown drawing prompts for children to create their own art book all Christmas themed

Home Ed Tracker/ Planner – 52 weeks x weekly planner with timetable and note space to support you as you support your child

Coming soon…

– Angel Messages

– Spiritual Notes of Support and Wisdom

– My fiction story – Following Gabby’s Spiritual Awakening Journey : ALL AVAILABLE ON AMAZON bit.ly/romellajones

Launching – The Crystal Club

Are you intrigued by crystals and want to know how to use them?

Do you want to learn how to connect and experience crystals?

Got a few crystals but don’t know what to do with them?

Then this course/subscription is for you!

Each month you will get a crystal mailed to you, plus a PDF of information about the crystal, its properties and how to connect and work with it. Plus a meditation

Plus a paperback copy of the”Crystal Club – Connecting Crystals 101″

A Crystal Club paperback journal for all your crystal connections, wisdom, chakra balancing, grids and more

Access to the Crystals 101 library with videos on

  • Starting to use crystals
  • What main crystals properties are
  • Creating crystal grids
  • Crystal Chakra balancing
  • Crystal books I recommend
  • Behind the scenes – how I store my crystals
  • Meditating with crystals
  • Plus a special printable PDF for choosing which crystal or chakra to work on

PLUS monthly live session to ask your questions about your crystals, the crystal of the month – using zoom

PLUS the first 10 people who sign up for the subscription will get a pendulum and set of chakra crystals included as well

Sign up here for the £99 12 month subscription:

Sign up here for the monthly 12 x £11 subscription:

£99 – https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=GRJ85UX79LENG

£11 x 12 – https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=SEY7AQGDY5RV8

Crystals for Mercury Retrograde

Don’t get all tied up in the “woe betide” of the Retrograde. There are ways to work with the energy – but if you are insistent that you’re going to be badly effected – then guess what?!! You will be as that is what you are attracting towards you 🙂

This latest Mercury Retrograde runs from 16th Nov – 6th December 2018 – with a pre and post effect for the two weeks prior and after.

Here are some suggestions of crystals that could support you in the coming weeks: Continue reading

Crystal Healing? How do they help?

What is Crystal Healing

Crystals have been used for healing for thousands of years.

Treatments with crystals can take many forms, crystal chakra cleansing, crystal healing, space clearing or gridding using crystals. Melody laying-on-of-stones is a magnificent way to work with crystals and gridding to bring about abundance, clear past or present issues and more Continue reading

Step into your Calm with Imagine – ecourse

Are you struggling to feel positive and calm? Are you stressed and zingy? Do you struggle to quieten your mind?

Is trying to meditate daily an ongoing aim but never a reality? Are you overwhelmed by types & styles of meditation and can’t make a decision? Would you like to learn more about how essential oils, crystals, affirmations, meditation and mindfulness can support your journey? Is your head too busy for meditation? Do you google meditation and join facebook groups but never actually meditate? Continue reading

Crystal Essentials Workshop

This Crystal Essentials Workshop will give you the confidence to use crystals in your daily life or to give yourself a mini-crystal therapy session. It is an introduction to the uses and how to use crystals.

At the end of the workshop you will:

  • How to choose a crystal that’s right for you
  • Have an understanding of how to cleanse and program crystals
  • How to use a crystal pendulum
  • How do give yourself a crystal therapy session, including chakra balancing
  • Using crystals to meditate with
  • A lookup sheet of helpful crystals and their attributes

You will also leave with a workbook of information and tips, a few packs of crystals and a crystal pendulum to use.

This interesting workshop will cover all the basics of using crystals and crystal pendulums. It costs £29 and spaces are limited.

Running Friday 4th March 10-12.30. To book please contact Romella on hello@cariadtherapies.com or through the Facebook page – https://www.facebook.com/Cariad-Therapies


my healing journey

Hi, I’m Rom and I’ve been using energy for healing for over 15 years and been a qualified therapist for seven years. The therapies I offer have all come to help and support me at a time when I needed “something”. I thought I’d share part of my healing journey here

I first had Reiki and then became attuned (later becoming a Master-Teacher) after losing two grandparents within a week. Reiki really helped me grieve and also heal. It is a practise I use daily to balance myself

Whilst trying to become pregnant I had regular weekly reflexology which really helped me relax and I’m positive aided me to conceive! Then I became pregnant with my first child whilst studying and becoming a reflexologist!

Other therapies have aided me on my life purpose, eg Aura-Soma(R), which helped focus me and what I want to do with my life and gave me bottles to work with to really push me forward and support my journey. Crystals are my first aid at times of emotional, physical and spiritual need!

When I get a cold or sinus problems my first stop is ear candling, which resolves and clears issues very quickly!

I love using my therapies and to be a professional holistic therapist and able to help and support fellow humans on their journeys is a really amazing, fulfilling job!

So please contact me to discuss your needs and whatever they are from emotional to physical and everything inbetween, we can look at the “whole” person and come up with an individual holistic program just for you!

I look forward to hearing about your journey and joining you on it.

Rom Jones

About Me – Rom Cariad Therapies – the parent?

I thought I’d explain a but of my background and focus!  I’m Rom, a Mum to two children age 7 & 4 and a holistic wellbeing practitioner.

I always wanted to have children, but my children took a while to come along, with some heartaches along the way. Then motherhood really wasn’t as easy or “rosy” as everyone seemed to make out. I had dreadful sibling rivalry and jealousy, great school anxieties with my eldest and other normal childhood behavioural issues. I was lucky that courses and options came along to support me at the right time and I want to share these with other parents.

Don’t we all want to do the best for our children, to be the parent we want to be and not the one who is shouting, upset, stressed etc…

I know the services I offer work because I have been using them for the last two years and friends have been case studies for me as well!

I have been a Relax Kids coach for over two year and love the skills and benefits that the classes bring to children. I trained to be a therapist over ten years ago and love how these therapies all come together to build a package for you the parent and your children to really bring out the best you all have to offer and create those special memories.

Last year I trained to be a SleepTalk(TM) consultant, a self-esteem program for children. This program takes two minutes a night whilst your children sleep and can resolve a huge array of childhood behavioural issues from tantrums, toilet issues, anxieties, speech to other emotional and physical issues. For my son he received the headteacher’s award a few weeks after staring the Sleeptalk(TM) program!

I also volunteer at the SureStart Children Centre and am involved in their stakeholder meetings too. With children at school I also get involved in the PTA too!

My children are so important to me and their happiness in this sometimes chaotic world is key to their wellbeing and mine & my husband too,

This is my story, tell me yours

Rom x

family jones

Space for Calm


Insomnia for Adults and children alike!

Ironically I’ve been awake thinking about this blog for the last few hours, so have had to get up to write it! But then that is part of insomnia, when something goes around in your mind and you are unable to switch it off to go to sleep. Insomnia can be caused by anxiety, grief, medical reasons and can result in debilitating tiredness. With a lack of sleep, for me, comes an inability to deal with the day-to-day issues in a calm and positive way. I need my sleep!
Solutions I can offer to help with this much needed area of sleep, all aid relaxation.
Reflexology is known for unblocking and rebalancing the energy pathways of the body. The feet and hands are for a map of the body and internal systems, through a reflexology treatment the body can reduce stress, aid relaxation, strengthen the immune system and facilitate homeostasis (balance) in the body).

By working on the endocrine system (the hormone system), it can be stimulated to bring the hormones into balance, stimulating the “sleep hormone” of melatonin, a high level of melatonin will result in a greater feeling of sleepiness . There are other key areas for relaxation including the digestive system, to ensure troublesome digestive ailments do not interfere with sleep and relaxation points.

As an all over body and system massage Reflexology can pick up areas of issue and can bring the body back into balance as well as be a very relaxing treatment and relaxation is of course the key to insomnia!

Other useful therapies are flower essence remedies which help bring balance to your state of mind and emotions, supporting the relief of anxieties and making you more able to cope with them. Crystals can also work on the body’s energy fields and help clear energy blockages. Amethyst under a pillow can also help with nightmares.
Children often find it very difficult to switch off and their brains keep working on thoughts and actions that have happened earlier in the day. The use of a Relax Kids CD can really help to give them something to focus their thoughts on, can stop the reruns and give them the space for the body to relax and go to sleep. CDs can be bought from me or direct from www.relaxkids.com.

It may also be the case that children are also suffering from anxiety, or fear which is preventing them from going to sleep, or to wake in the night. SleepTalk™ is a self-esteem program for children, which follows a set script which parents say to their children as they sleep. It can help with a multitude of childhood behavioural issues including sleeping at night. SleepTalk™ is all about developing the child’s emotional resilience, the mind’s firewall. By using SleepTalk™ over an 8 week period many issues can be reduced or resolved completely

Please talk to me about your, or your child’s insomnia, so we can work a plan of action that will mean you all have the night’s sleep you need, making a better morning!

Rom Jones – Cariad Therapies – Newport Shropshire
Fbook – Cariad Therapies NewportRelax Kids in Newport Shropshire –  Sleeptalk Indigo

mood tree   7 steps relax kids