My Top 5 Tips for Positive Steps to Calm

My 5 Tips for Positive Steps

These are my favourite 5 positive steps to calm. Breathing, Meditation, Affirmations, grounding, stop & take a breath.

  • Breathing – Deep breathing using whole of lungs not just the top part or shallow breathing. Really feel your abdomen move. Place your hands over heart space or solar plexus (below ribs) for added connection
  • “Take a Breath” – before replying or reacting. This is a brilliant habit to get into, to stop before replying to something or reacting. Practice can make it happen!
  • Simply close eyes and do a mini meditation, breathing in the colour blue –peace & filling room with blue on out breath. Think of it as a mini-meditation, find somewhere quiet, sit with your feet flat on the floor, close your eyes and breathe in slowly. Then as you breathe in, imagine you’re breathing a colour (eg blue for peace), and breathe out blue – boost your calm. Pink is also good for love
  • Affirmations – I am Calm, I am OK. Affirmations are a great way to work on your mindset. Keep them simple, positive, present tense and personal
  • Do a deep breath out, feel your feet connect to the floor, feel your body move with the breath, connect, ground and repeat. Grounding and feeling yourself connected to your body is a great way to calm and focus your mind.


Romella is an author and award winning Holistic and Energy Practitioner based in Shropshire and available through Skype.  I’m all about balance and calm and letting you achieve your own balance and calm.

I work with you, the whole you, to create packages to empower you to be the person you want to be. I include energy healing & clearing, relaxation techniques, life purpose support & teach self-help tools for you, your children and your family. To bring about a space of calm and positive change for the whole family. Books include the series “Balance and Calm Toolkit” (for Frazzled Mums) and a version for families.

There is also a range of online courses and support available


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