Are you the glue holding it all together?

Who’s feels like they’ve been glueing the whole their family together?

Soothing anxieties and worries, endless feeding and food decisions, trying to re-establish a new routine – a new normal but terrified of its fragility?

Of answering questions, without knowing the answers

Worries of judging and being judged?

Of a need for selfcare desperately, but what happens if you do? Will the glue melt? Will it all unravel?

These are my questions too, as a mum to an 10 and 12 year old. Desperate for normality. But if I stop and do my self care, it will show weakness and the world will stopnturing.
Last week I started and do you know the world didnt go onwards. The glue continued to.hold, as it was based on unconditional love. And even more important, I was able to be me, to relax and put my needs first (once kidlets in school).

The silence in this house was deafening. I resisted the selfcare for a few days, but the silence called out like a drum to me to look after and replenish my energy. So I did.

Greater balance and calm followed, my intuition sparked once more and I am slowing becoming whole once more.

You are important.

As life in September changes again, who’s ready for my new September Self-Care?

All designed to clear and positively energise your home, office and mind.

To allow you attention to.creating elements of calm in your day

To bring you moments of clarity and calm


– A printed journal and balance and calm prompt book

– a 20 minute Ease Method videocall, to clear stress or motivate or cord citting

– journalling ecourse

– access to v-book home space clearing workshop

– plus access to support group

Or upgrade to include full Ease Method sessions or additional Ease Method sessions

£33 for selfcare booster package

£55 for selfcare booster package and 1 x 30 min Ease Method session

£77 for selfcare booster package and 2 x 30 min Ease Method session

£99 for selfcare booster package and 3 x 30 min Ease Method session

Book and make your payment here – simply choose the level you wish –

Are you the Glue that holds everyone together? Time for some self-care

Balancing What’s Alive in you Now

Want a tool to clear blocks that are stopping you from moving forward & creating your life?
A tool that could help restore happiness and magic into your life?
A tool that will take you a minute a day to get you into balance and in a place to manifest positively?
You don’t need to know what blocks are stopping you from moving forward – you just need to use the cards to clear and balance what is alive in you now?

Come and find out about The Balance Procedure and how it can help you everyday.

This video shares how I use it and the benefits of this amazing simple system.


To find out more about this simple effective system – visit –