Work With Me

I offer a wide range of tools and products designed to move you into a more connected and calm space. By teaching the tools you have access to them whenever you need them – just remember to use them!

My work is like a pyramid with the balance and calm at the bottom and moving up towards expanded spiritual connection. There are elements that span through the whole pyramid – eg self-care, intuition and spiritual connection – but they all work together to bring an enhanced connection to yourself and source. Each level builds on the previous bringing deeper balance, calm and connection

So if you want to bring some balance and calm to your world, then reach out to my social media accounts for freebies, or if you are looking for a deeper spiritual connection I have some amazing tools and circles for you to join too <3
As a published author I have a range of books as the next step, online courses and spiritual women’s circle online and in Shropshire <3 and VIP 1-2-1 client work

For more information /romella444 or use the contact me form link

The Power of the Daffodil

Whilst out walking today I contemplated the daffodils. How they wait until the soil warms up and then sprout, flower and bring a little bit of yellow joy to nature.

The daffodil is such an amazing plant, A dormant bulb into the bright joy in spring. I think they are my favourite flower – just for the joy they bring after a dark winter and the thought and prospect of spring and summer. Have you ever thought deeply about them… let me take you on a mindful journey…

How amazing are daffodils – that tiny bulb and its roots lays dormant in the ground for about 9 months, then when the sun starts to warm the earth the stem starts to grow. Using just its own energy and water from the soil around it, it grows into a plant a foot tall (35cm?!) with leaves and a sturdy stem. Then it buds into a huge yellow flower with a trumpet shape, often different colour to the main petals. Stunning! It brings such happiness and joy after the dark winter, yellow for joy! It cheers people up for a few weeks, whilst the leaves are photosynthesizing and building the bulb’s energy up, before it goes dormant again for another 9 months. How amazing are these plants?

Thinking about this plant has taught me a lot, we all have energy within us, that we can use for positive – to bloom – but we need to recharge ourselves in order to continue the cycle.

Nature is just awesome!

Why have I shared this basic nature review? – Because we need to fill our own energy levels up before we can bloom, plus its OK to be dormant and quiet for months.

I feel personally I’ve been hibernating and am finally ready to come out and share my thoughts and ideas (and tools!)

Don’t Run to the Beat of Someone Else’s Drum

So 2018 is here. A new year, a new month, new possibilities. What changes are you going to make? What promises and vows are you going to make? When are you going to break them? What is social media saying you should be doing?  ENOUGH!

I’m fed up of social media telling me I should have new year resolutions, I should want to be slimmer, fitter, eat healthier, have a new vision board… Just because the calendar went from 2017 to 2018.

Now I always was a bit of a rule breaker (weird for someone who likes to control as well!!!). So no I will not be changing my life in 2018. the world didn’t end on 31st December at midnight and a new one start at 00:01am 1/1/18.

No, I won’t be committing myself to outcomes that I then beat myself up with or emotionally torture myself with if I fail.


I will make changes in my life as I feel it is the right time for me to do so.

When I am ready on an emotional, physical and mental level.

When I am balanced and emotionally committed.

When I feel I can commit to the actions and changes.

When I can work out what I truly need.

When I can work out a plan that is manageable and achievable for me.

When I can break the elements into small pieces, small enough for me to chew.

When I’ve allowed myself to cocoon and rejuvenate and re-energise myself.

When I’ve worked out what I really want and not what society thinks I want.

When I’m ready to progress with my life

When I’m ready for change

When I’m ready.


Push me and I’ll walk away or ignore you.

I dance and move to my own drum and no one else’s. Well maybe my children’s sometimes!



Stress? Anxious? Being Present Now to Bring Calm To You

You might question how being “present in the moment” is a positive thing – when you’re stuck, feeling sad, stressed, anxious or depressed. But stop, the emotions you are feeling are actually unlikely to be related to the present moment but to a past or future event. Mindfulness connects you to the current moment, a time you can influence now.

Think of the stress reaction – muscles tighten, stomach churns, become sweaty, breathing difficulties, fight or flight adrenaline/cortisol hormones kick in. Our thoughts go back to a similar experience and the negative beliefs that we created from that experience and the emotions this brings up, triggering stress. However, these hormones aren’t burnt up (from running away) and so remain in the body keeping us on “high alert” creating issues of anxiety, panic attacks, sleep problems, headaches and restlessness.

The alternative mindful response is to move out of the flight/flight response and into a “being”  response – to slowdown, notice breath, feel grounded, acknowledge the thoughts (don’t judge them). Preventing the release of more stress hormones, allowing the release of the calming hormone oxytocin instead.

What is mindfulness – it’s about “being in the present moment”, watching your thoughts without engaging and judging them. It’s about quietening the mind and when thoughts come up replying with a “ah that’s interesting” and then letting them go, not creating an inner dialogue/emotion about the thought.

The benefits of mindfulness are to allow you to relax. Mindfulness is shown to reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression, reduce anger outbursts and generally be a positive tool in your daily life.

Who can Mindful Meditation classes benefit? Anyone who is looking to reduce their stress levels, support better sleep, feel calmer & more in control of their emotions, anyone who is looking to relieve their symptoms of anxiety or depression, or simply anyone who is looking for an hour to “be” themselves & relax and renew themselves.

Mindfulness and meditation go together perfectly, bringing great relaxation to mind and body. Mindful Meditation for Relaxation classes run at the Tina Carter Wellness Studio are suitable for everyone. Led by Romella Jones.


Mindful Meditation Classes are offered as a drop in for £10 or you can book a block for £7.75. Contact Tina on 07812 144685 or email Classes run on a Tuesday 1.30-230pm and Friday at 7.45-8.45pm



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What’s in your name?

What do you call yourself?

What other names do you answer to?

How do you introduce yourself?

When are you “you” and not a role?

I’ve been thinking about this more and how I introduce myself. Most often I’m “Hello I’m Rom, Mum to x”, when I’m working “I’m Romella, I’m all about sharing quick simple tools to bring you into balance and calm”. It’s only occasionally that I’m “just” me. But there’s no just about it.

The person I am is part of all the roles I have in life; as mother, wife, daughter, teacher, friend, therapist, leader…  It’s my mindset, my actions, my beliefs, my objectives, my aims, my experiences which all become part of who I am – the real me.

How often are you your true self – not fulfilling the role of Mum, Daughter, Carer, cleaner, cook, laundry manager?

I’m finding I need to switch off from my roles and make sure I spend some time being me. This might mean that the ironing isn’t done very frequently, that I have my head in a book just for fun, that I need some lone time to meditate (maybe with a nap afterwards).

I really need time alone to “just be”, in order to be the best person I can to fulfill the roles I love to do. If I don’t get a good nights sleep, or the children fight bedtimes & I don’t get to switch off in the evening, or if I don’t meditate or miss my doTERRA supplements – then I won’t be the best person I can be. I get angry. upset, emotional.

I react differently to how my calm, normal self would have done in the same circumstances. I might blame them (the child, husband, other driver), but in reality it was me – my not prioritising myself, by not doing things that nurture and sort “me”, things that bring me into balance and calm. Often those around us share lessons with us that can go misunderstood or unrecognised.

Its important that we look after ourselves – as the slogan says – “You’re worth it”. If you aren’t looking after yourself, how can you look after others?

What do you do just for you?

If you can’t think of anything I can share some suggestions.

  1. Join me on a sunday evening at 8 pm for a free guided visualisation (or revisit past ones)
  2. Sign up for my free 7 day spiritual connection freebie (
  3. Want to meditate but can’t commit to a class – then why not try my monthly meditation group online (access weekly content, supported in a facebook group) –
  4. Want to connect with your intuition, your feminine power, your spiritual connection? Then you could come to my monthly Women’s Circle (1st Weds of the month  £10) or join an online version (
  5. Book yourself in to learn The Balance Procedure (a simple daily tool to get aligned to what you want to create in your life)
  6. Look at learning Reiki so you can give yourself some energy work at anytime day or night (and share with your family too)
  7. Use crystals (rose quartz for self love is perfect start). Search my blogs for getting started with crystals
  8. Look into essential oils ( I can do a one2one wellness consultation with you and give you free samples, or hold an introduction to essential oil classes at your home for you and your friends)
  9. Read a book – something uplifting
  10. Have a beautiful bath – candles, bubbles, wine, cup of tea whatever you enjoy!

Whatever you like to do, find time in your day and week to be the true you.

If you want to learn more about how you can connect to yourself – then please do contact me

yours positively & with love



Balancing What’s Alive in you Now

Want a tool to clear blocks that are stopping you from moving forward & creating your life?
A tool that could help restore happiness and magic into your life?
A tool that will take you a minute a day to get you into balance and in a place to manifest positively?
You don’t need to know what blocks are stopping you from moving forward – you just need to use the cards to clear and balance what is alive in you now?

Come and find out about The Balance Procedure and how it can help you everyday.

This video shares how I use it and the benefits of this amazing simple system.


To find out more about this simple effective system – visit –



Calorie Free Chocolate Egg Eating in a Mindful Meditation

Want a Calorie Free Chocolate Egg?

Its Easter Weekend this weekend – and everyone seems to have some chocolate (dairy free, full fat or other!).

Me I’m a Cadbury’s Button’s Egg girl through and through – although I do have a Cadbury’s Creme Egg one this year from hubby!

I thought I’d do a lovely mindful meditation about enjoying a perfect egg or chocolate experience. I know all too well that eggs get “shoved” down quickly and not enjoyed or remembered!

Come and join me on this chocolate experience. You have a voucher to buy whatever egg or chocolate you want from your favourite shop. I visited the small sweet shop from my childhood! The some mindful senses-ful meditation.

Just 10 ish minutes to meditate and relax
