Imbolc – 1st February – the bringing of light

Wishing you a beautiful Imbolc – the beginning of Spring.

Traditionally this day is halfway between winter solstice and spring equinox.

It is also known as Brigid’s Day – a Gaelic Goddess

History – it is a Celtic celebration to mark the end of the harshest parts of winter, where farmers were starting to farm and prepare livestock for breeding.
Traditionally celebrated in Scotland, Ireland and Isel of Man, with Wales having a version called “Gwyl Fair y Canhwyllau”

Imbolc comes from “i mbolg” and translates to mean “in the belly” and refers to pregnancy of farm animals, in readiness for spring
Things to do to celebrate include:

  • Creating a Brigid’s cross or doll
  • Lighting a candle at dusk to represent the sun (also putting on all lights in the house!)
    -Spring cleaning (an energetic and physical cleanse of the house)
  • Get out in nature – ideally to the sea, river, stream or well and splach yourself to clean and cleanse your energy
  • Have a feast with family (celebration of the new light)
    -Dark crystals are perfect for creating a celebrating grid or altar – amethyst, moonstone, garnet, bloodstone
  • Flowers include crocus, heather, snowdrops, violets

It is also known as Candlemas day and Groundhog day

Wishing you a beautiful brightening of the world <3
social media – @romella101