Benefits of Ear Candling – who may it help?

The Benefits of Ear Candling – who may it help?

What are the benefits of Ear Candling is something I’ve recently been asked about. I love ear candling as I suffer from both hayfever and sinusitis and it really helps clear my passages and relieve pressure, plus removes the impurities that are within the ear and tubes. Continue reading

my healing journey

Hi, I’m Rom and I’ve been using energy for healing for over 15 years and been a qualified therapist for seven years. The therapies I offer have all come to help and support me at a time when I needed “something”. I thought I’d share part of my healing journey here

I first had Reiki and then became attuned (later becoming a Master-Teacher) after losing two grandparents within a week. Reiki really helped me grieve and also heal. It is a practise I use daily to balance myself

Whilst trying to become pregnant I had regular weekly reflexology which really helped me relax and I’m positive aided me to conceive! Then I became pregnant with my first child whilst studying and becoming a reflexologist!

Other therapies have aided me on my life purpose, eg Aura-Soma(R), which helped focus me and what I want to do with my life and gave me bottles to work with to really push me forward and support my journey. Crystals are my first aid at times of emotional, physical and spiritual need!

When I get a cold or sinus problems my first stop is ear candling, which resolves and clears issues very quickly!

I love using my therapies and to be a professional holistic therapist and able to help and support fellow humans on their journeys is a really amazing, fulfilling job!

So please contact me to discuss your needs and whatever they are from emotional to physical and everything inbetween, we can look at the “whole” person and come up with an individual holistic program just for you!

I look forward to hearing about your journey and joining you on it.

Rom Jones