The Frazzled Mum’s Defrazzle Journal

Exciting news 🙂
The Frazzled Mum’s Defrazzle Journal with Romella is available!

100 days of journalling to make yourself accountable to yourself

Welcome to you, creating the new you who is less frazzled and stressed and more balanced, calm and aligned.
This journal is to empower you to make changes that will bring about those changes.
To be accountable to yourself, everyday.
Only you can take those steps throughout the day to make the changes.
I can guide you with this daily journal and with the “Balance and Calm Toolkit for Frazzled Mums” book, which is the perfect partner for this book. But I can’t make you do the selfcare and take time for yourself.
What I can suggest is setting a reminder on your phone at key moments of the day (coffee/snack time, lunchtime, preschool pickup) using your phone calendar – then DOING the thing!
Are you ready to commit to you?
Prompts for defrazzling to bring balance anc calm to you and your day.
Allowing you to be accountable to yourself
Journal has tips and pages for 100 days on lovely cream paper
Book – click here

Book, Journal and 21 day email videos £27 (email me)

£99 Frazzled Mum Session (book & journal plus 21 day emails PLUS 50 minute 1-2-1 session (email me)

VIP Frazzled Mum – books/email videos AND – 8 x weekly sessions to shift negative emotions, stress and create calm and get into energetic alignment (email me)

Law of Attraction Book Club 220520

Join me at 10am for the book club on all things law of attraction and manifesting.
Who’s your go-to authority, author or person you follow?
Tricks that work for you

Here are the books that were mentioned:

Sarah Prout – Dear Universe

Dr Wayne Dyer – The power of Intention

Doreen/ Grant Virtue – Angels of Abundance

Mike Dooley – Leveraging the Universe

Tapping the Source

Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

John Randolph Price – The Abundance Book

PAtricia Crane – Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen

Marie-Claire Carlyle – Money Magnet Mindset – How to BEcome a Money Magnet

Pam Grout – E2

Ursula Source – The Source (Mother Shipton)

Esther & Jerry Hicks – Money and the Law of Attraction – Ask and it is Given

Tosha Silver – Its not your Money

Law of Attraction in Action

Law of Attraction in Action

Wow what a week! About a month ago (yes in the holidays) I had an idea. I could have just written it down on my to do list and left it, but it was one of those ideas that had to be actioned NOW! I was lucky as the children were busy playing happily together (a rare occurrence for the end of the holidays!), so I started. I sat on my laptop in the dining table where I could see & chat to the children and started writing a book. I stopped for breaks and a trip to the park, and to make & eat tea, but for 2 days I wrote. I wrote the basic content of my book “Balance and Calm Toolkit for Frazzled Mums”. Continue reading