5 Day Retreat for Calm and Spiritual Connection

I’m running a FREE 5 day retreat right here on this page – a retreat of calm and to raise your vibration. We’ll have an angel card, a meditation, a tip for calm for you to use in the day and I’ll share a spiritual tool to raise your vibration too. I’m sharing a little info here for you now in this video

I’ll add all the days here once downloaded 🙂


Day 1 retreat for calm and raise your vibration

Join me every morning at 10am for 20 ish minute connection to calm and spiritual connection

Today we have a meditation with our inner energy and expansion, an angel card of the day, breathing in pink, and the spiritual tool of journalling.


Day 2 retreat for calm and raise your vibration Join me every morning at 10am for 20 ish minute connection to calm and spiritual connection Angel message of the day – meditation – 2 tips for calm – spiritual tool of the day

Today we look at grounding and its importance, with a little meditation, using an angel card for connection, and my favourite breathing exercise of the 7:11 (or 4:7)

Day 3 retreat for calm and raise your vibration Join me every morning at 10am for 20 ish minute connection to calm and spiritual connection Angel message of the day – meditation – 2 tips for calm – spiritual tool of the day

Today we look at affirmations, bach rescue remedy, breathing in peaceful blue with affirmations too and the spiritual tool of intuition building.

Day 4 of 5 Day Retreat for Calm and Spiritual Connection

Join me for 20 minutes just for you – tools for calm and spiritual connection.

Today we’re looking at the benefit of lying flat for 10 mins, for the spiritual connection – practising using your clairs……