Book Club – “Ask and it is Given” Esther Hicks with Romella 050620

Join me today for book club – looking at “Ask and it is Given” by Esther Hicks and Abraham.

Sharing some tools from the book to boost your vibration and manifesting. Plus a video explaining the Emotional Guidance System (with resources from The Balance Procedure) and info on some of the processes outlined in the book.

There are 22 processes outlined in this book to expand your being and vibration, to enhance your emotional frequency. Each works well in a certain range of emotional state.

Here are a few of the processes:

  • Rampage of Appreciation – look around you and notice the things that please you and bring you pleasure. Focus your attention on this object and feel into the emotion of appreciation – how beautiful or functional or timesaving it is. Allow your positive feelings to expand as you increase your attention.
  • Prosperity Process. Take a notebook or similar and create a bank spreadsheet with a drposit column and expenditure colomn. Make the latter larger. Each day you add £1000 to the deposit and each day you spend it in the expenditure column. Each day it increases so day 2 is £2000, day 3 £3000 day 4 £4000 etc. The idea is to have fun spending the money and researching at what you would spend. Feeling into the energy of prosperity and gratitude. The idea is to spend it each day, but you can save a few days for a larger item – or wait for that day to come around!

Law of Attraction Book Club 220520

Join me at 10am for the book club on all things law of attraction and manifesting.
Who’s your go-to authority, author or person you follow?
Tricks that work for you

Here are the books that were mentioned:

Sarah Prout – Dear Universe

Dr Wayne Dyer – The power of Intention

Doreen/ Grant Virtue – Angels of Abundance

Mike Dooley – Leveraging the Universe

Tapping the Source

Rhonda Byrne – The Secret

John Randolph Price – The Abundance Book

PAtricia Crane – Ordering from the Cosmic Kitchen

Marie-Claire Carlyle – Money Magnet Mindset – How to BEcome a Money Magnet

Pam Grout – E2

Ursula Source – The Source (Mother Shipton)

Esther & Jerry Hicks – Money and the Law of Attraction – Ask and it is Given

Tosha Silver – Its not your Money

A few of my Favourite Spiritual Books 150520

For anyone interested in building their spiritual library or on their spiritual journey – here are a few of my favourites Join me today for card of the day and a “share your favourite spiritual book”! Join me live at 10am every day –

This friday (22nd May we’ll have a book club on my facebook page around the theme of law of attraction/ manifesting – who’s your favourite author, your favourite book, what are your manifesting successes?

Then on the following friday 290520 at 11am on ZOOM the book club will be looking at one or two of these books. Remember you can read them, listen to them or probably even find them being read for free on youtube!

Book here –