What happens in a crystal therapy session

What is Crystal Therapy – what happens in a session?

This week I thought I would share what happens in a Crystal Therapy treatment @ Cariad Therapies.

Crystals have been used to support and heal the mind and body since man first walked the earth, particular reference is often made to usage in Egyptian times to help heal and to meditate. They are now moving from their “new age” (for this read ancient!) and into a wider worldly usage.

The aim of a Crystal Therapy is to use the energy of the crystals to bring the body back into balance. The crystals rest on the body. This can be carried out through the following outlined treatments:

1 Crystal Chakra Balancing – placing of the crystals through their colour on the corresponding chakra point. First I would talk through a short meditation, which the client can continue during the treatment if desired. Then the chakras are opened and the chosen crystals placed on the open chakra. The crystal works to create balance across all the chakras, so the energy can flow through the body and its energy field (aura). It will help release and clear blockages where energy may get or be stuck causing illness or issues. For example the throat chakra may be blocked & the client have a sore throat as a symptom, but actually they may not be saying what they really believe and feel and opening up to “speak their truth”. The use of a crystal such as turquoise or my favourite angelite can help clear the blockage and support and sooth throat, allowing the client to say what they need to say.

Having a Crystal Therapy is extremely relaxing and can provide the client with a lovely restorative feeling. Faces often look more relaxed after a treatment.

crystals on therapy table

2 Specific Crystal Therapy – If the client has specific issues or illnesses (eg migraines) then working with crystal specifically for that ailment can really be amazing.
The use of crystals on specific parts of the body can work to support the bodies own natural healing process. A good example of this is amethyst placed at the base of the skull to aid migraine relief or adventurine on sinus points.

Chakra balancing and specific crystal therapy can of course be combined to bring real balance and benefits.

3 Gridding – The Melody laying-on-of-stones system creates grids around the client to clear, bring abundance, astral travel, past live clearance and more! These grids are constructed using specific crystals chosen for the grid purpose; eg citrine for abundance or rose quartz for love, self love and romance. Together with crystal points to aid the flow of energy through the body and grid.

4 – Gridding using a template – these crystal grids work really well to bring abundance, new opportunities, attract new energy, romance and more. The crystals are all charged and programmed and then the grid activated using a crystal wand and then just regular maintenance is needed to top of the energy! I often use the flower of life symbol (my logo) or an infinity symbol (great for prosperity!). I then keep the grid away from children’s fingers (or pets!) so the energy isn’t disturbed!


5 – Gridding of property – This Crystal therapy doesn’t involve crystals on the body, but in a room, building, office, garden, property boundaries or any environment. It is useful to help clear negative energies from TVs, laptops etc or geopathic stresses (eg underground water, pylons, cabling etc). I like to use amethyst, fluorite or other dark stones to grid my house and in particular the sitting room. For example I have a large fluorite crystal near my TV and have gridded using amethyst which is fab at absorbing geopathic stresses.

I hope this has sparked your interest and I look forward to discussing your own personal Crystal Therapy program. Prices start from £25 for a 30 minute session